YO8 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO8 6 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO8 6 Postcodes (Active). YO8 6 postcode sector comprises of 147 active postcodes. YO8 6 sector has a population of 4867, and it has 1932 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO8 6 postcode sector

YO8 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4867
Addresses / Property Count 1932
Active Postcodes 147
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of YO8 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 147 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO8 6AA 53.77714900 -0.99696500 N/A N/A 466198 431668
YO8 6AB 53.83335800 -0.85579600 N/A N/A 475400 438062
YO8 6AD 53.81700200 -0.91516100 N/A N/A 471521 436181
YO8 6AE 53.76615400 -0.96920600 N/A N/A 468045 430471
YO8 6AF 53.79745200 -0.92316600 N/A N/A 471027 433998
YO8 6DH 53.79720300 -0.92470000 74 192 470926 433969
YO8 6DJ 53.80683100 -0.90573500 N/A N/A 472159 435059
YO8 6DL 53.81712500 -0.89741100 8 24 472689 436213
YO8 6DN 53.81946800 -0.90102500 3 6 472447 436470
YO8 6DP 53.82287300 -0.90573700 3 10 472131 436844
YO8 6DQ 53.81343500 -0.91833700 43 97 471318 435781
YO8 6DS 53.80221300 -0.91684900 N/A N/A 471435 434534
YO8 6DU 53.81833900 -0.91887900 5 11 471274 436326
YO8 6DW 53.82799200 -0.87700900 9 25 474013 437443
YO8 6DX 53.80957500 -0.92388800 N/A N/A 470959 435346
YO8 6DZ 53.81696400 -0.91590700 30 80 471472 436176
YO8 6EB 53.77771600 -1.02995700 8 18 464023 431701
YO8 6ED 53.77508200 -1.02217300 4 5 464540 431415
YO8 6EE 53.79494500 -0.98423800 4 9 467008 433660
YO8 6EF 53.79821700 -0.99065700 21 59 466580 434018
YO8 6EG 53.81461400 -0.99075500 1 2 466548 435842
YO8 6EH 53.76516400 -0.95994100 7 28 468657 430370
YO8 6EJ 53.76369600 -0.94416900 4 10 469699 430222
YO8 6EL 53.76226000 -0.93924500 9 18 470026 430067
YO8 6EN 53.76409900 -0.92756800 7 19 470793 430283
YO8 6EP 53.77191400 -0.91497300 3 8 471610 431165
YO8 6EQ 53.80784700 -0.97517900 9 18 467584 435104
YO8 6ER 53.77307100 -0.92489100 6 13 470954 431284
YO8 6ES 53.77360300 -0.92616800 11 28 470869 431342
YO8 6ET 53.77573100 -0.92361500 30 71 471034 431581
YO8 6EU 53.77872500 -0.91572300 3 9 471549 431922
YO8 6EW 53.77143300 -0.92664800 12 30 470841 431100
YO8 6EX 53.77673800 -0.92488900 5 13 470948 431692
YO8 6LE 53.78327900 -0.99397500 12 28 466385 432353
YO8 6LF 53.81669900 -0.91746300 N/A N/A 471370 436145
YO8 6LG 53.81775000 -0.90673600 8 21 472074 436273
YO8 6LH 53.81948600 -0.92279200 11 31 471014 436450
YO8 6LJ 53.81998300 -0.92205100 5 12 471062 436506
YO8 6LL 53.81618300 -0.91636100 31 63 471443 436089
YO8 6LN 53.81608600 -0.91751800 18 37 471367 436077
YO8 6LP 53.81924800 -0.91402500 25 66 471592 436432
YO8 6LQ 53.81911200 -0.92214900 4 12 471057 436409
YO8 6LR 53.81814500 -0.91959100 6 15 471227 436304
YO8 6LS 53.81782200 -0.92160500 14 38 471095 436266
YO8 6LT 53.81886400 -0.91955800 48 115 471228 436384
YO8 6LU 53.81913100 -0.91829000 3 7 471311 436415
YO8 6LW 53.81747100 -0.91763400 22 61 471357 436231
YO8 6LX 53.81835500 -0.91395100 29 74 471598 436333
YO8 6LY 53.81797800 -0.90786000 25 60 472000 436297
YO8 6LZ 53.81835700 -0.90631000 11 27 472101 436341
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